If you ever get a weird error about netsted sessions, just unset the env var TMUX with
tmux Create New Session
tmux List existing session
tmux Attatch Existing session
tmux Kill Existing session
Delete all sessions except current
Reverse History Search
and type what you are searching for, then hit enter when the command appears
Pre-Fix Key
By default it is
Create a New Window
Switch between windows
or to go one previous
to go to next
Detach Session
Rename Window
Move current pane left/right
Exit pane
Resizing Panes
Convert pane to window
Nested tmux Sessions
SSH into remote host
Can run
tmux ls
and view the tmux sessionsExample:
To attatch to that session
Use prefix key + d to detatch from the connected session
Split Terminals Vertical
Ctrl+B %
Split Terminals Horizontal
Ctrl+B "
Custom tmux config
File located
Last updated
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