Metasploit Basics


  • After install initialize the MSF database for the first time with

sudo msfdb init
  • View if the database is running/start the database

sudo msfdb start
sudo msfdb status
sudo msfdb stop
  • start the framework

msfconsole -q


  • Search for modules

search [regex]
  • search for type along with keyword

search type:post -S "firefox"
  • Specify exploit

use exploit /path/to/exploit

Types of Payloads

  • Singles

    • Singles are payloads that are self-contained and completely standalone. These can be as simple as running calc.exe, adding a user to the system or deleting a file. Since single payloads are self-contained, they can be caught with non-metasploit handlers like netcat for example.

  • Stager

    • Stagers are payloads that setup a network connection between victim and attacker and download additional components or applications. A typical example of a stager is one that makes the victim system setup a tcp connection to the attacker: the reverse_tcp stager. Another example is the bind_tcp stager that lets the victim open a tcp listener to which the attacker will make a connection.

  • Stages

    • Stages are payload components that are downloaded by a stager. These payloads provide advanced features with no size limits. Some examples are a simple shell, but also VNC Injection, iPhone 'ipwn' shell and Meterpreter

  • In Metasploit, the type of payload can be deducted from its name.

    • Single payloads have the format <target> / <single>

    • Stager/Stage payloads have the format <target> / <stage> / <stager>

  • When executing the show payloads command in Metasploit, it shows a list of compatible payloads (or all payloads when not executed in the context of a module).

show payloads
  • Specify Payload

set payload path/to/payload
  • Set option

set [option] [value]
  • Run Exploit

#either will work 

Last updated

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