Obtaining MSFT Patches for Analysis
Can download cumulative updates from above site
Patch files for Vista, 7, 8, 10 and Server 2008/2012/2016/2019 have .msu extensions
Extraction of Patches
use the
tool to unpack the packages with.msu
extensionsexpand -F:* Windows8.1-KBXXXXXXX-x64.msu
Interesting files are
filesThe dir names will have the name of the file they are patching, for example
The above patch file is for
into above directory and dir to see the patcheduser32.dll
Cumulative updates can be giant with thousands of files. Greg Linares wrote some powershell scripts to simplify the file amount
above command extracts every folder and file form the cumulative update and results in a large amount of files and folders
Some of the files and folders can date back years which we do not care about
Download: http://pastebin.com/u/Laughing_Mantis
Download alt: https://pastebin.com/VjwNv23n
After extraction of all the files we will clean up all the files that are older than 30 days which limit how much we have to look at
use the patchclean script
Download PatchClean: http://pastebin/com/u/Laughing_Mantis
Last updated
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